sexta-feira, 23 de março de 2012

Presente Simples

Presente Simples
  • To = antes do verbo indica que ele está no infinitivo;
To sell – vender
To drink – beber
To Call – ligar, chamar

I call for you every evening.
They need to call for you every morning.
He calls for you.
She stands up when you arrive.
Simone watches tv all day long.

  • Na terceira pessoal acrescentamos –S no verbo.
He prefers to spend my day studying that watching tv.

Verbos terminados em -S,-SH,-CH,-O,-X,-Z.
Acrescentamos –ES;
Ex: Michael watches soap opera and says that doesn't like soccer.
Somebody passes this pen to my classmate, please.

O Seu SHampoo CHeiroso da Xuxa EStragou!

Verbos terminados em –y, precedido por uma consoante. Trocamos o -Y por –IES;
Juliana tries to sell her tennis, but it is very old.
Carlos studies in Minas Gerais.

Advérbios ligadas ao presente simples:
Always:                                 Occasionally:
100%                                     35%
Usually:                                 Rarely:
85%                                       20%
Often:                                    Never:
70%                                       0%

Forma Interrogativa do Presente Simples
Do -  Usado para fazer perguntas com os pronomes I, You, We, They
Ex: You live near the my house.
Do you live near the my house?
José and Jonas work a lot in this factory.
Do Jose and Jonas work a lot in this factory?

Does -  Usado para fazer perguntas com os pronomes He, She, It.
Ex: He lives near the my house.
Does he live near the my house?
José works a lot in this factory.
Does Jose work a lot in this factory?
 Carol Cries so loud.
Does Carol Cry so loud?

Forma Negativa do Presente Simples
Don’t -  É “não” para os pronomes I, You, We, They.
Ex: You live near the my house.
You don’t live near the my house.
I love to study English.
I don’t love to study English.

Doesn’t -  É “não” para os pronomes He, She, It.
Ex: She lives near the my house.
She doesn’t live near the my house.

He loves to study English.
He doesn’t love to study English.
Matheus carries everything that he needs in the bag.
Matheus doesn’t carry everything that he needs in the bag.

Passado Simples
She broke her leg.

He studied a lot yesterday.

They woke up late this morning.

  • Verbos terminados em:
- E acrescenta apenas -d.
    Exemplo: to free → freed
  • -consoante + y: troca o Y por  -ied.
    Exemplo: to dry → dried

  • -CVC: repita a consoante final e acrescenta -ed.
    Exemplo: to plan → planned

  • Verbos irregulares
to be → was/ were
to have → had
to do → did
to eat → ate
to go → went
to come → came
give → gave

Forma Interrogativa do Passado Simples
Did -  Usado para fazer perguntas no passado simples.
Ex: I stopped here.
Did I stop here yesterday?
He is a painter.
Was he a painter five years ago?
She buys at the shop.
What did she buy at the shop?

Forma Negativa do Passado Simples
Didn’t -  É “não” para todos os pronomes no passado simples.
Ex: I stopped here.
I did not stop here yesterday.
I didn’t stop here yesterday.
This table was here.
This table was not here yesterday. (wasn’t )

Futuro não imediato usando Will
Futuro distante, indeterminado;
I will die.
Corinthians will be champions in Liberators of America Cup.
Jesus Will come back!

Will – Colocado entre o sujeito e o verbo para dá a ideia de futuro.
Ex: I think I will call him later. No. I’ll call him now.

We’ll probably move to a bigger apartment.
Maybe this help you.
I am here.
I will be there.

Forma Interrogativa do Futuro não imediato “WILL”
I give you a ride.
Will I give you a ride?
He answers the phone.
Will he answer the phone?
You please open the window.
Will you open the window?

Forma Negativa do Futuro não imediato “WILL”
You will fall if you aren’t careful.
They will not come if you don’t invite them. (won’t)
She’ll not buy him a present then. (won’t)

Verbo to Be
  • Am – usado para I;
I am here.
  • Is – usado para he, she, it;
He is ugly person.
  • Are – usado para we, you, they;
They are learning English.

Forma Interrogativa do Verbo to Be
Jose is your friend.
Is Jose your friend?
Marian and Joana are living in USA.
Are Maria and Joana living in USA?
You’re sad because today there’s English class again.
Are you sad cause today there is English class again?

Forma Negativa do Verbo to Be
Jose is your friend.
Jose is not your friend.
Marian and Joana are living in USA.
Maria and Joana aren’t living in USA.
I am sad.
I ain't sad. (I’m not sad.)

Forma Contraída do Verbo to Be
I am – I’m
I am not – I’m not – I ain’t
You are – You are
You are not – You’re not - you aren’t
He is – He’s
He is not – he’s not – he isn’t
She is – she’s
She is not – She’s not – she isn’t
It is not – It’s not -  it isn’t
We are not – we’re not – we aren’t
They are not – they’re not – they aren’t

She is sometimes unhappy

Futuro Imediato “Going to”
  • Falar de planos que foram feitos com antecedência.
    Ex: I’m going to buy a car next month

  • Fazer previsões num futuro próximo.
    Ex: I think its going to rain.
  • Também pode ser usado com a palavra probably (provavelmente).
Ex: I probably going to talk with her.

I go to São Paulo.
I am going to go to São Paulo next week.
She washes the dishes.
She is going to wash the dishes when arrive at home.

Forma Interrogativa do Futuro Imediato “going to”
I am going to go to São Paulo next week.
Am I going to go to São Paulo next week?
She is going to wash the dishes when arrive at home.
 Is she going to wash the dishes when arrive at home?
We are going to buy a car next month.
Are we going to buy a car next month?

Forma Negativa do Futuro Imediato “going to”
I am going to go to São Paulo next week.
I am not going to go to São Paulo next week.
She is going to wash the dishes when arrive at home.
She is not going to wash the dishes when arrive at home.
We are going to buy a car next month.
We are not going to buy a car next month.

Expressões ligadas ao futuro
      Tomorrow – amanhã
      The day after tomorrow – depois de amanhã
      Next week – próxima semana
      Next weekend – próximo final de semana
      Next month – próximo mês
      Next year – próximo ano

Presente Contínuo
Sujeito + verbo to be + verbo + “ing” + complemento
·         Deve-se retirar o “e” dos verbos terminados com essa letra, antes de se acrescentar o “ing”.
Ex: to ride (andar) - riding
      to dance (dançar) – dancing

·         Deve-se dobrar a última letra dos verbos monossílabos terminados em CVC antes de se acrescentar o “ing”.
Ex: to swim (nadar) - swimming
      to put (colocar) - putting

Open – opening

·         Verbos terminados em -IE perdem o -IE e ganham Y+ING:
Ex: lie = lying
 die = dying

Os terminados em EE não perdem nada e só ganham o ING:
Ex: agree = agreeing

Formas Contraída, Interrogativa e Negativa

She’s studying English now.
He is not playing the electric guitar at this moment.
Is Mariane talking to Bob?
He plays the electric guitar.
He is playing the electric guitar at this moment.
She listens to music.
She is listening to music.
They help their mother.
They are helping their mother.
Susan watches the soap opera.
Susan is watching the soap opera.

The kids play on the backyard.
The kids are playing on the backyard.
She rides a bike.
She is riding a bike now.
She dances ballet.  
She is dancing ballet.
He swims on the lake.
He is swimming on the lake.
Mariane talks to Bob.
Mariane is talking to Bob.

Pronomes oblíquos ou objetos
I ------------ Me
You -------- You
He ---------- Him
She ----------Her
It ------------It
We --------- Us
They --------Them

Chris and Mary are friends. They like to study together on the weekends.
Your baby is so cute. Is it a boy or a girl?
Richard is my neighbor. He is so handsome.
My sister gave this chocolate to I. (errado)
My sister gave this chocolate to me.(certo)

I love Bob.
I love him.
I bought these sunglasses to Lisa.
I bought these sunglasses to her.
Susan and I will travel together on our next vacation. We will stay on a fancy hotel.
Give me those books.
Mariane called you yesterday morning.
Pass these folders to him, please.
Mary gave her daughter a tricycle.
She send us some e-mails.
They brought you a lot of gifts.
The teacher gave them a poor grade.

·         A maioria dos substantivos forma seu plural acrescentando a letra ‘s’, igual a português. Alguns exemplos:
dog (cachorro) – dogs
cat (gato) – cats
girl (menina) – girls
hat (chapéu) – hats

·         Quando o substantivo termina em S, SH, CH, X, Z e O ele recebe a terminação –es. Exemplos:
glass (copo) – glasses
bench (banco) – benches
bush (arbusto) – bushes
box (caixa) – boxes
buzz (zumbido) – buzzes
potato (batata) – potatoes
·         Agora, quando o substantivo acabar em Y, existem duas situações. Se o Y vier depois de uma vogal, acrescenta-se somente a letra ‘s’. Exemplos:
boy (menino) – boys
day (dia) – days
key (chave) – Keys

·         Agora, quando o substantivo acabar em Y, existem duas situações. Se o Y vier depois de uma vogal, acrescenta-se somente a letra ‘s’. Exemplos:
boy (menino) – boys
day (dia) – days
key (chave) – keys

·         Se o Y vier depois de uma consoante, retiramos o Y e acrescentamos a terminação IES. Exemplos:
country (país) – countries
fly (mosca) – flies
strawberry (morango) – strawberries

·         Quando o substantivo acaba em F ou FE, usamos a terminação VES. Exemplos:
half (metade) – halves
knife (faca) – knives
leaf (folha) – leaves
wife (esposa) – wives

Existem algumas exceções:
cliff (penhasco) – cliffs
chief (chefe) – chiefs
proof (prova) – proofs
roof (telhado) – roofs

·         O plural em inglês também tem algumas irregularidades. Vejamos algumas bem comuns.
foot (pé) – feet
tooth (dente) – teeth
man (homem) – men
woman (mulher) – women
mouse (rato) – mice
person (pessoa) – people

·         E por fim, há algumas palavras que não mudam quando são usadas no plural. Exemplos:
sheep (ovelha) – sheep
deer (veado, cervo) – deer
Well, this is it for today, people! See you next time!

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