quarta-feira, 23 de maio de 2012

Gabarito Final do Simulado aplicado dia 23/24 de maio de 2012

Simulado de Língua Espanhola
1 – E
2 – C
3 – A
4 – A
5 – C
6 – E
7 – B
8 – C
9 – D
10 – E
11 – B
12 – B
13 – B
14 – E
15 – B
16 – D
17 - C

Simulado de Língua Inglesa
1 – A
2 – E
3 – C
4 – D
6 – D
7 – B
8 – B
9 – A
10 – D
11 – E
12 – C
13 – D
14 – D
15 – A
16 – A
17 – A
18 – B
19 – A
20 - E

quarta-feira, 2 de maio de 2012

Principais Preposições

sobre, a respeito de , em torno de, cerca de, por, devido a.


They were talking about politics;
The show began about midnight;

sobre, por sobre, mais de, acima de, superior a.


    We were flying above the clouds;
    There were above fifty pupils in the classroom;
de através, através de, no outro lado de, em contato com.


    We swam across the river;
    There is a restaurant across the avenue;
depois de, após, atrás de, em homenagem a, à imitação de, à semelhança de.


    They left after dinner;
    After a storm comes a calm;
    The dog was running after the cat;

contra, em troca de, junto a, em.


    The boat sails against the current;
    They voted against my proposal; ( porposta)

ao longo de, por.


    The horses galloped at full speed along the road;

entre, no meio de.


    He was seen amid the throng; (multidão)
They are amidst enemies;

entre, no meio de, com.


    We are among(st) friends;
    The Christmas gifts were divided among the children;

ao redor de, perto de, por, de um lugar para outro.


    We planted a few trees around the house;
    There is a shop around the corner;
    We travelled around Europe for three months;
ao redor de, perto de, por, de um lugar para outro.


    We planted a few trees around the house;
    There is a shop around the corner;
    We travelled around Europe for three months;
em, a (à), ao, no, contra, para, de, com.


He spent a few days at Curitiba;
We are at home;
 He is standing at the door;.
He'll go at midnight; 

He was staying at the "Stevens Hotel“;
diante de, em frente de, na frente de, perante, antes de.


    The tanks were seen before the infantry;
    The poor and rich are alike before God; (iguais)
He'll arrive before noon;

atrás de, detrás de, em apoio de, depois de.


    The broom is behind the door; (vassoura)
    All his friends are behind him;

abaixo de, para baixo de.


    The garage is below the ground floor;
    He is below his schoolfellows; (colegas)
It is the third shop below the post office;

sob, abaixo de, inferior a.


    There was a bench beneath the tree;
    His conduct is beneath contempt; (crítica)

quinta-feira, 26 de abril de 2012

Present Perfect

1. Conjugação (verbo de exemplo ‘stop'):   

I/you/we/they have stopped
He/she/it has stopped
As contrações são: 

I've, you've, we've, they've
he's, she's, it's 

2. Usamos o "Present Perfect Tense" para nos referirmos a algo que aconteceu no passado, mas que mantém algum tipo de conexão com o presente. O verbo principal encontra-se no "Past Participle". Quando usamos o "Present Perfect", estamos pensando no passado e no presente ao mesmo tempo, tanto que podemos modificar uma sentença no "Present Perfect", transformando-a em uma frase no "Simple Present" sem alterar seu sentido. Veja: 

I've broken my arm. (=My arm is broken now.)
3. O "Present Perfect Tense", porém, não é usado quando não nos referimos ao presente: 

I missed the bus yesterday. ( e não I have missed the bus yesterday)
4. O "Present Perfect Tense" também é usado quando nos referimos às consequências que ações consumadas têm no presente: 

Suzy has had a baby. [Isto significa que, agora (em virtude de uma ação passada), Suzy tem um filho.] 

George has shot his girlfriend. [Isto significa que, agora (em virtude de uma ação passada), a namorada de George está morta.] 

5. Também usamos o "Present Perfect Tense" para afirmarmos e/ou perguntarmos/negarmos se algo já aconteceu alguma vez, se já aconteceu antes, se nunca aconteceu, se aconteceu até certa data, se não aconteceu até certo período, se algo ainda não aconteceu. Alguns exemplos (note que a tradução dos exemplos é impossível de ser feita conservando-se as nuances do tempo, particular à língua inglesa): 

Have you ever seen Elvis Presley? (=você já viu, alguma vez, o Elvis?)
I've never seen Elvis Presley. (=eu nunca vi Elvis Presley)
I think I've already done it. (=eu acho que eu já fiz isso)
He has written ‘shut up' for one hour.
(=ele escreveu ‘shut up' durante uma hora)
Has Lyndon come yet? (=o Lyndon já veio?)
6. O "Present Perfect Tense" pode indicar ações que tiveram início no passado e vêm acontecendo até o presente: 

I've studied mathematics for years. (=eu venho estudando matemática por muitos anos)
I've tried to call you since two o'clock. (=tenho tentado te ligar desde as duas horas)
She's known him since 1897. (e nunca She knows him since 1897)
7. Nunca usamos o "Present Perfect Tense" em sentenças em que existam advérbios de tempo definido, tais como yesterday, last week, then, twenty years ago, in 1764 etc.
8. Quando queremos nos referir a ações que começaram no passado e ainda continuam acontecendo, podemos lançar mão de um outro tipo de construção, além do próprio "Present Perfect Tense", chamada "Present Perfect Progressive". Sua forma se dá da seguinte maneira: 

We've been studying since eight o'clock in the morning. (=estamos estudando desde as oito horas da manhã) 

Porém, damos preferência ao "Present Perfect Tense" quando nos referimos a ações mais permanentes e/ou duradouras. O "Present Perfect Progressive" é preferível quando as ações são mais efêmeras: 

That man's been standing there all day long.
That huge castle's stood there for 1200 years.

To be,                                     was/ were,                              been= ser,estar
To become,                             became,                                   become= tornar-se
To begin,                                began,                                                 begun= começar, iniciar
To bring,                                 brought,                                  brought= trazer
To buy,                                   bought,                                   bought= comprar
To choose,                              chose,                                     chosen= escolher
To come,                                 came,                                      come= vir
To do,                                                did,                                         done= fazer
To eat,                                    ate,                                         eaten= comer
To find,                                  found,                                                found= achar
To give,                                  gave,                                       given= dar
To go,                                     went,                                      gone= ir
To have,                                 had,                                        had= ter
To leave,                                 left,                                         left= partir, deixar
To make,                                made,                                     made= fazer
to run,                                     ran,                                        run= correr
to say,                                                said,                                        said= dizer
to see,                                     saw,                                        seen= ver
to sell,                                                sold,                                       sold= vender
to sleep,                                  slept,                                       slept= dormer
to speak,                                 spoke,                                     spoken= falar 




MUCH = muito (a)

Antecede palavras incontáveis no SINGULAR.·.
Ex. We don't have much time.

MANY = muitos(as)

Antecede palavras contáveis no PLURAL.
Ex.  Many students are in the class.


LITTLE = pouco(a)

Antecede palavras incontáveis no SINGULAR.

Ex. We have little time to talk.

FEW = poucos(as)

Antecede palavras contáveis no PLURAL.

Ex. Few students were in the class.


A LITTLE = SOME = um pouco

A FEW = SOME = alguns/algumas

You ought to put a little money in the bank every month. (Deveria)

Only a few people would agree with you.

Variações no uso de MUCH e MANY:

HOW MUCH = quanto(a)

Ex. HOW MUCH money did she spend on clothes?

HOW MANY = quantos(as)

Ex.   HOW MANY times have you been to Italy?

SO MUCH = tanto(a)

Ex. Who Knew There Was So Much poor people in the World?

SO MANY = tantos(as)

Ex.  There were SO MANY questions to answer that it was impossible for us to finish the test on time.

TOO MUCH = demais

Ex.  Mother has prepared TOO MUCH food for us.

TOO MANY = demais

Ex. They have brought TOO MANY boxes for the men to carry. (trouxeram)

VERY MUCH = muito (advérbio de intensidade)
Ex.  She loves him VERY MUCH.



I'll have A LOT OF money to lend if my salary rises.

I'll have LOTS OF money to lend if my salary rises.

I'll have MUCH money to lend if my salary rises.

I'll have PLENTY OF money to lend if my salary rises.

Henry has made A LOT OF plans for his future home.

Henry has made LOTS OF plans for his future home.

Henry has made MANY plans for his future home.

Henry has made PLENTY OF plans for his future home.